
aiya ya... all the study and laziness... and here it is SPM..

SPM time play game... xD....
today study group... that to aaron teach us add maths... then me played for one hour... lol... not bad not bad... xD...
driving cacat ahhaha turn not bagus... orang mabok only...
so we went to see phats... walao... i wan lor... but then expansive... as it need a lot of money... and it worth it.... sob sob sob... bigger then surf pants lor.... i wan i wan i wan i wan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RM300 lai!
shirt..... i also wannnnnnnn!! lol.... depends on use how much to make the desgin... aiks... aiyo yo no money.. next time la... plain shirt... Rm18... + design all that about 30 ++ depends what you do ahhaha... we went to the shop just to look around and ask for price and all that... wakkakakaka
for my birthday present... THANKS!!!!!! xD

Kiddo... xD xD


is been a while xD...

PMR is over...
then 18 days.... TO SPM....
my aims... is just to get into college or Uni... KAU TIM!!!
some sub i don feel like caring anymore... just get my 5c.. moral and BM Cs... kau tim xD lol
but then leh... not that good also leh... so i also dunno how sob...
mood getting bad and bad to study... need to force myself to study now...
i samore still lepak wan wey
i orang gila......
haizzz better go study liao la me SOB!!!
i cannot attend my cousin's wedding... zzzz this is the third time that happen... i never attend my cousin's weddings be4... one was cuz exams... then one was cuz in NZ now cuzzz SPM!!! SOB SOB SOB SOB SOB SOB SOB...
why i cannot attend family weddings (that i know of)...... ><>
at bengkok... my mom and two sis.... me and dad stay home... haizz
suan le bah...
k laaa study lor.... atlest try to...

xD Emo Kid!!(^_^)V


hmm.. been driving lately... but still not steady.. sob...

hmm.. what should i blog about lol..
holidays for PMR....
i heard the pengetua got something wrong wan.. dunno what's her problem.. zz
spm is on the way... DIE!!!
should study leh...
atlast didnt lazy sob...

been boring bring boring when i should study hehe xD
i think i also over spend my money sob!!

waiting for my lens.. lol next week school day only get...
haizz many things that i wan to buy... for my room! yet... tak ada money

wanted to go RBS but my mom don let...
OH well.. going CUN Camp..
I just give my mom the form.. she just sign it.
but for the RBS she just say NO the last time I asked

xD emo Kid


I am the first Christian in my family. My family members are Buddhism. Before I became a Christian, I followed what my parents do in Buddhism, praying with joss sticks, sitting beside my dad when his chanting and burning some prayer papers for the ancestors. I do not know what I am doing every time. This had gave me emptiness in my heart, as I look back I consider myself not even in a Buddhism and yet I do not believe in anything.

My character and personality was not that good. I was very selfish, and only cared about myself, thus I only do things that please me. I stolen a lot of money for my own entertainment, I became money minded and spending unwisely. I only wanted to live for myself; I did not care about the person that I steal from. This stealing did not stop just there, it go on for long and I have to lie about where and how I get the money, I claimed to have saved it or found it on the road.

I was an impatience person, very easy to anger kind of person. People who does things that is unpleasing to me, I might just scold them. Anyone who disturbs me, I will shout at them and think all the negative things about that person. I mixed with the wrong people at that time, every conversations that we had was full with foul words and sexual contents. Furthermore, I only have friends during school; I rarely mix around before school, after school and during weekends. I was lonely and anti social so to say. I also thought that I’m always doing things on my own and I do not need people’s help.

My first contact with Christians was when I was form 1. I was invited to join badminton training weekly, it was very cheap. Later on, they invited me to a music fest to hear some good music. At there I heard the sinners prayers for the first time, but I was blur and do not really understand. I made some friends with the member of the church and had fun. Days and months past I joined their activities and group meetings and it sometimes it feels really real and true to me, and I was touch by some of the messages that they spoke. As knowing who was Christ was, my friend who invited me to join the badminton training called me for a meal and he shared his testimony of him accepting Christ. I will always remember one part of the sentence he said which was “If I did not accepted Christ back then, I do not know how bad my life will end up”. I was also amazed that how god had changed him and how powerful He is.

In 2006, my 2nd year in secondary school, during the mid holidays, I was invited to a church family camp which is Camp Pedas, 27 May - 30 May. The most memorial thing that I remember was a video played on one night, about this person living a life without limbs and was badly rejected by his parents. He found God and lived on. It really filled my heart a lot, and again I was amazed what God can do and had done for him. The last day of the camp the speaker challenged everyone to accept Christ; I raised my hand and prayed the sinner’s prayer. I accepted the Lord because of the friends around me have somehow show me God and God is there for me. Amazed what God can do to help me in life.

I begin to join church more frequently, even though my dad was not very pleasing, but still I go to church. As I learned more about God and Jesus, my life changed in many ways. It wasn’t easy but I managed to do so with the help of God. I no longer steal money, I do not lie to anyone, I mixed more with the right people, I was willing to change for myself and for God. Little by little God changed me day by day. I felt guilty for what I did before I became a Christian. Foul words were also begin to fade until now it is no more.

I learned to trust people more and most important I trust God. My heart opened to accept new things and to correct the wrong to right. I do not do things that it is only for me but for God. I develop the attitude of sharing as well and not to be selfish. I became a person that is willing to help and encourage people that are needed help. I also acknowledged that I will never be alone because God is in me forever. I offered my life to God and trust him for my life, and let him decide where I am supposed to go. Letting God mole me into whatever he wants me to be.

It is to say that my life changed since I made the decision to join the badminton training but most important I made the right decision to accept Christ as my savior. Correct, he is the one that who have saved us all from miserable life. However, I’m still human, which means not perfect, there is still a lot of room for me to change, and by my effort, the right time and the power of God, I can change.

TARIMA KASIH! actually not that long also hor... ^^

who need guide lines to write your own wan pls feel free to ask me xD


Now a days i dunno who to trust... ><

been sad been down...
who do i trust now??
i mean humans...
how can i?
be trusting everyone?
need to get a point to trust...
sometimes says.. i'm joking sometimes say joking only jk only...
i does hurt... sometimes maybe..

emo KID!


kesian my blog so long didnt update.. soli ahhh~~

hmm~~~ one week of holiday...
ends today...
good and bad lor...
good is no need to find what to do in the morning hahaha
bad is... not must freedom i guess.. and need kick to study lor...

hmm~~ Monday i go out hang kai hunging around with damai people... lol they all always laugh laugh wan... atlest not so much of lame stuff laa lol
then tuesday i went pyramid with christina lor.. walk walk walk eat then walk walk walk then see her buy stuff xD ahha
wednesday.... what i did ah? izzit the monday wan is wednesday?? HAHAHHA i also forget jor.. ya i think the monday stuff if wendnes day xD lol lazy to type again la.. nvm la since you read edi.. then faham faham la..~~hmm then monday what I did? xD at home wait untill tuition gua...

thrusday. also lepak with the damai students be4 that with eng wan.. hehe
friday... CG outing... .. fun... big sister follow also... almost cannot go because sister don let due to rain way... >,<>

sat IbA unplugged... fuh... her them play kau... I was tired lor... 10am at church d then didnt go tuition cuz tired... ><>
Daya also came... so at night we go pyramid... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee k la not so weeeee la...
cuz haiz... sad case...he.. also go... thats not the problem... k laa tell you what happen... he ask people in the van 'who got phone play some song... something like that... then someone said my name.. then he said.. ' no need his song all not nice to hear wan'.. then i was like ==, == ... ==|||
still dunno what the problem between us thou.. i ok ok laa just sometimes he say poison things

Sunday... hmm morning normal lor... but Daya join us... so got difference lol...
then CG.. CG no go group.. become general sesion... daya joined...
then everning futsal... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. wander why he X datang.. anything lor...
Gary joined that day... hmm dunno what's the main motivation wey lol...
hoho then night time... after we makan.... WEEEEEEE
pool with people that go for dinner + ken heng... dinner time suddenly babang come @@ nth to say
play untill sung leh... 12am+ only balik... though wanna go minum... but then nicholas need balik d... so all balik... anyway Gary also no money and i left few bucks ahahha

so like that lor my holiday... ^^ today just go 1U and pyramid.. walk around... wanna buy slipper but then haizz dunno what to buy ah.. lol




19 agus...
boring sia... lol
for about a week being single? ya....
so... i got more freedom.. more time xD lol i guess so..
keep playing dota lol even thought exam weeks ahhaha

few reasons why single...
1) SPM
2) Sprititual life
3) I trust the Lord
4) If it's God's will we be togethere again
5) Let her change her life first.. and of cuz mine also...
6) focus on what needs to be focus..
7) Get her priority right...
8) erm... get stright with God first ^^

this are some of the reason laa lol
hmm isaac and sarah sounds shock... lol
this is not a break up laaa is end the relationship..
we might get back togethere maybe not lorrr... will decide laa
but don get your hope high k? ^^


Hello hello....

life is not so good wey... been down lately...
hmmm.. i also dunno what really buging me... haizzz
went to futsal yesterday and try to just relax or clear my mind.. but then leh... haizzz
just comfirm that Mel still hate me... don like me and agains me or whateva laa
and i still dunno why...
but nvm.. i also dunno what else i can do...

tried to ignor it... and i just remember... i don ignor stuff like that ><...
then futsal yesterday just play only la...
my keeper skills also getting lousy... if i play in the field i looks like cannot only ><
keeper that time Mel got blocking me to see... cuz i like so small size ><><
but just don wanna find any problem and get things worse.. so just played ><

yesterday had a talk with sin meng hehe long time never chat d.. good times....
tak join dinner cuz today got exam wan... then i'm acttually quite scare of Mel... ><>
so reach home... go out makan then come back then wanna study also no mood lol...

a lah don thing i no mood cuz Mel laaa... that just small part of it...
and i don mean harm to him or anyone laa
sometimes just really bugging me lo since i dunno why.. i also no hate him or anything..? ><

haizz as a lot ppl say...... wait.... or see how la... or don care... well don care is not an option...
if anything also right... SORRY SORRY la har...^^



trials are coming....
been thinking... exam exam exam study study study...
but atlast didnt study sob ==
no motivation to study?
bu ze dao laaa

why i always hungry wan when i duno what to do ><
lol... i don wan eat so much leh later fat then haizzz bu sung><
now also eating ice cream ahhaha

hmm..I wanna watch Harry Potter!!
haven watch... dunno when only i can watch ><
cham... xD

nothing better to do laa me.. should study but then aiyo... dunno laa canot study at home wan...
thats why got tuition LOL

my head hot... temperature not right wan my body... weird weird
k la thats all laa xD


Time to time everyone look back

to see 'How was I back then'
any changes? any regrets?
ya.... everyone does go true this i guess..
but what have to learn from reflecting on this things?
do you feel proud if you reflacted on something cool or something like you were the star back then?
lol... maybe?

For me i will try my best to treasure the times where is was.. not to say good but price-less times like the time were friends beginning to trust you.. maybe the bigest arguement and learned something? hmm... the time where you were in a very different place with new people..
the person that spended quality time with..

well maybe i'm talking about a person or maybe not...
but then why am i feeling down when things just sounds so blur..

where are the people that are caring? loyal? commited? friendly? themself? open?
and the same person with others?(meaning not treating other people differently)

sometimes just wanders..
emo sad sad sad no friends no life
happy happy if over-happy pride...
open, less scrects happy?? or easier to trick?

humans.. hard to pls.. hard to handel another person
and need self-control....


Casting Crown’s song “Slow Fade” talks about how mistakes, regrets, wrongs, sins don’t occur all at once or in a single day. It is gradual. It is based on small decisions we make day to day. We find ourselves often having done something or at some place we didn’t expect to be, not because we woke up one morning choosing to do something, but rather little by little our daily choices and decisions led us there.

Be careful little eyes what you see
It’s the second glance that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings
Be careful little feet where you go
For it’s the little feet behind you that are sure to follow

It’s a slow fade when you give yourself away
It’s a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
It’s a slow fade, it’s a slow fade

Be careful little ears what you hear
When flattery leads to compromise, the end is always near
Be careful little lips what you say
For empty words and promises lead broken hearts astray

It’s a slow fade when you give yourself away
It’s a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day

The journey from your mind to your hands
Is shorter than you’re thinking
Be careful if you think you stand
You just might be sinking

It’s a slow fade when you give yourself away
It’s a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
Daddies never crumble in a day
Families never crumble in a day

Oh be careful little eyes what see
Oh be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above is looking down in love
Oh be careful little eyes what you see


YeaH!!!! i get the book finaly....

terima kasih kim xD
but then i waited so long untill i myself forget == whatttttttttttttttttt la



Finally futsal-ed lol after sometime i guess ^^

i feel like changing my lifestyle...
hmm i wander what trigered the wanting to change

is just weird...

i just feel that last time i keep my life to myself and mix around, now just like wanna go shout.. wanna find more things that i can wanna learn more things?

could it be the Lord's prayer that i prayed?
the prayer about extand your territory izzit?

it must be i guess... prayer had help me alot..
even worries and fear been much easier to face^^

in extand territory i prayed for knowlage.. more things that i can do
and it sort of gave me the platform to begin
this what i think for now laa.. cuz by changing my lifestyle i might just be more expose to alot of things ^^

well i canot promiss anyone that this is correct cuz i dunno in the future what God have plan for me.. it might be something else which i dunno yet.. will see how laa

so like that laa i duno my future is how but God knows ^^


it is weired when i know is not correct yet i still like acting it out.. or i still ask

i act as if is 180 degree of it @_@ lol
i siao siao wan
but then i still know
but why still?????????
happened few time
why i still do the wrong thing?
why i still look into it?
why i ask stuff which i edi know or ask stuff should not be ask?


Haze for few days right? sad....

like wanna die edi.. getting less oxygen haizzz i can feel it in my lungs... it hurtzz

Sad to see some of my friends fighting over friendship of something ><
thought i dunno what is the core reason.. i still thinking is it something silly? it is something serious?
does the fight can change the person?
will both of them learn from their fight?
how long will the fight is on?
will i ever see them togethere back and away from their unhappy, uncomfortable life...>
what to do what to do lol i can just wait for the result ^^ and hopefully and prayfully is settled
and is a fruitfull arguement to both or one

i been worrying my studys><>
haizzz why....
bad habit BE GONE!!!! lol

hmm why do i ke po so much><>
sometimes i ask alot then i say' sorry ahh i very ke po' then they reply no laa no busy body also or they say they don mind @_@
ok~~~ what is the negative what is the positive? ><><


hahah she moved then i wanna take this picture... so bad...
haha my hair is like super long... christina is shouting at me asking me to cut... xD boring laa having the same cut and cut again ><

i sure wish there is few other type of hair that is cool xD
i wish that she wont be so emo ><

i feel like helping others.. but sometimes just dunno how to...
i done two quiz that saying that my gift is helping
hmm just feel weird did i help myself?
or i'm just helping others? ><
or worse distroying others? crushing others? hurting them? bringing them down?
one of my fear is losing people in friendship
i ask myself izzit worth to kick them in my friendship (during hate and anger)
but again.. they are just there... so live with it ^^

what if we got into fights arguement disagreement?
all i can do it solve it or ask another elder person which is more wise..
if it's an arguement that is small, just forget it..
if it is serious don make it bigger and seek for wise people... or think it for a day
100% is both also got wrong... everyone got blind spots.. each one of us have diff view of things
dunno who is correct then look into it togethere if argue then don speak about it lor
or really wanna solve it? then seek elder lor or a leader of a cell group
and you will learn a lot...

areguements come and go depends on are you going to learn something? are you serious of your relationship between you and the person you arguing@_@

hmm been thinking... will anyone do that i type just now? i don think so lor... lol
well but there are some will do la but some just haiz~~ argue argue disagree untill nowhere
untill they come a point they finish argue and say sorry and sorry then say my wrong my wrong
just though of that what happen that if there is a thirt party in the auguement suddenly jump in wan
i think if the person is a wise person and choose non of the side and picking all the negetive and positive out of their arguement and start tell them @_@ somehow lol

but again some just think that they can do it by themself... ><
but somethings are P and C la the of cuz cannot + people in
but yet again i wander what is so so P&C that cannot share to a friend even very close friends?
the regrats? the shame? the scared? the sadness? the selfish?
whateva is it

I trust that it is a positive wan or is a think that can bring negetive to yourself and other people


hmmm~~~argued now ok edi yeahhhh
argue cuz... erm.... dunno what's the core problem la don care liao xD
Tomorrow Daya people are coming... hmmm hope i can join them if they go for makan or what lol
today i'm bit blank la dunno what to say

I didnt go school today cuz... haizzz can say no reason la... stupidity of me
wake up then feel tired(as always) then i also feeling abit sick ( i guess the emotional sick become physical sick like that la haizz samore i didnt drink enough water wan.. bad habits of me.. haizz)

when o see her then like diying edi... lol felt like droping but not fainting...
weird that is my hands cold normally will be like hotter
hands also bit shaky.. dunno why leh... maybe really sick or what lol
but i think just cuz my mind playing tricks on me >< is becoming a habit wey... bad bad bad

tomorrow another meeting with andrew and is project thing lol...
might just help to set up the church for Daya to sleep ^^

oh ya i having history tuition and e-suria @_@ the teacher is bit crazy but teach good lol



bad things started on Thursday ...hmm ya.. well i didnt go school on that day.. 9am+++ i heard..
@#$%^&*()(*&^%$!@#%^&*((*# BOOM bang bing.. PING BONG
i woke up and ran up stairs.. like half awake @@
my sister also ran up be4 me.. then i heard my dad call me.. since the lader was still there i thought my dad was still up to attic so i climb up half way then my sister's room door open.. i was like @_@
my dad fell from the attic through the ceiling to my sister's room =.=
it was quite scary for me.. like wanna cry edi ><>< but didnt cry laaa hehe just felt like crying only

so my dad's leg was like hurting.. then i ask him to move his toes and he did.. so i was a bit relive cuz if he could not move his toes means it really broken... so he staned up and go wash up.. mostly hopping la... he had a serious scratch on his left back which is quite long also.. ><

he my sister broght him to the klang clinic after he took a bath..
he gotten an X ray.. found out that his ankle was broken >< ><>< my mom came home edi that time cuz i call her and told her what happen

Thank God again my sister found someone that can help her change the tyre.. phew.. so my sister drive my dad home..she cancle her class for that... well his well at home... also scary when he walked around but then it was find since he can walk around go toilet kind of thing... so i was also relax abit he even go up stairs lol... no problem lor...

so ya this what happen la ruf-ly
me and my sister repair the ceiling that everning ><><
it took us two hours i think lol... tired giler and blur blur kau...



Yo... is been a while...
life been down and down...
sometimes just dunno what to do next...
i argue with my mom about studies i guess..
i didn't really wanna choi her cuz she keep saying the same thing.. which is very annoying to me...
really just make me think and think how annoying it is every time...
i'm trying to study but seem that my time and place just not right.. just dunno where to study or just that i need to really make the point to study ><

i also got pray the jabez prayer... seem that things sometimes is already there but.. i did not use it... it is a waste of me...

yesterday,sunday.. i dunno why i did not wanna go futsal..
just don feel like going lor... maybe because
i don wanna see people fight?
i think that my futsal sux
i don wanna people to scold me cuz i mess up
i don really like futsal anymore?
i go futsal equals to making people sad?
people might don wan me there?
i do really really care if someone doesnt really wan me at a place cuz it just bring hate..

this coming week i have to go lor.. cuz someone ask me to go..
i been thinking also laa why some wants me to go?
i'm blur... i just dunno leh haizz i'm weird...

andrew wants to talk to me about something.. which i dunno what? he ask me tonight free or not but having tuition... sorry andrew.. i'm guessing he'll talk about relationship? or thats what i'm expacting la lol... but hopefully not..cuz is complicated.. just feel really really down.... brain damge edi laa...

I been skipping meals a lot..reason i can give is like always
don wanna eat.. or don like to eat
i drink enough can edi
don feel like eating..
the food is like @@
erm.... i dunno?

it seem that i got a lot of dunno.... i been havig a lot a lot of blind spot.. God help me..
even my emotion can change quite fast.. sometimes is i saw a person that don like me or scary person.. disapointed person..
a lot or people been telling me... DON CARE THEM LAAA...
it hurts me a lot.. in some things.. again.. i dunno la.. ><
things just need to be care in me.. sorry la some of you just don like they way i am ><

maybe thats the reason i don like to act first? sad



cool card.. but need to give it back soon haizzz

my result... very zha dao

So... I was shock when the result i saw lol... i like @_@
the counter feller is like very garam wan face bu sung only... ><
so then i have to call my teacher.. he ask pass or not i say pass the i ask how much then i say 42.. which also the passing mark.. lol then he keep asking me sure or not sure or not keep asking me to check see i see wrong or not lol.. as you can see the two are just up and down lol^^

so next sat only i can go the 6 hours thing... sob not this sat but next sat cuz... haizz sunday saturday wednessday and thrusday... weekdays cannot edi... so sat and sunday then sunday out edi... thennnnnnnnnnnn only sat SOB... this saturday more important so next sat only go laa hiazzz late for one week for taking my L.. >< But i thank God for everything ^^ THANK YOU!!! xD


this is when i watch movie alone in 1U hehe


As a guy to a girlfriend is a big job.. ><
You must make her happy
You must have much visible contact as possible
You must tell her that you love her
You must show her that you mean that love
You must show her sacrifices for her
You sometimes must just as her says
You must meet her at lest two times a week
You must try to satisfies her desire
You must go out with her when you are not doing anything
You must teman her go shopping
You must buy stuff for her to remember you when your not around
You must pay for her meal when you go out unless you seriously cannot pay
You must remember her daily activities
You must be sensitive to her
You must try not to make her cry
You must alert when she is sad
You must try to make her happy when she's sad
You must call her some of the nights
You must give her candy sometimes
You must not tease her
You must not go to physical on her too much
You must control yourself for her

haizz atlast also can think of this shot... sob


mom knows i baptized... i was like ZHHAAA DAOOOO lol
she didnt scold laaa just like a bit bu sung...
i asked her who she knew but she don wanna answer me haizzz
hmm.. today i went to driving school to take the 5 hour undang thingy lol it was ok for me laa others like sleepy then on really care about it... kesian the teacher
the teacher looked angry but then she smile.. I also blur blur what is her emotion lol
i missed tuition and teens alot.... teens talk about no sex be4 marriage.. haizz i go there about 4 and i see then say to myself sure miss alot sob sob
but what i attanted was ok lor.. so all the be4 wan haizz missed sobbbb



^^ Today i went to 1 U hahah xD sit bus alone there
some of the girls are there for jalan jalan.. they didnt know i was coming hehehe so i saw them but try to avoid them la... cuz i know one will bu sung me if i join hahaha not that bad wan la..
but then atlast when i wann go watch movie i ter bump into them... then i aiya... not fun liao xD ahha i stocker.. xD

i also brought a book with is hm... idon wan tell you all la lol... althought i think hui min ter saw >< SOB!!!
so i watch movie wahahahhaha alone plus back to back movie... my first time doing that xD
i watched night at the museum 2 and then 17th again
first movie for me quite boring laa i also dunno why lol maybe a bit lame
I also think that terminator salvation also not that good lor i also dunno why all say nice nice nice lol
17th again was ok ok to me la hehehe

hmm.. o ya I ate at walfer world today food was ok but money fly sob...should had gone to old town where i can drink full full sob
attually wan go subway wan since they there then haizz ok lor don wan kacau them

talk about food i very very hunger for DRINKING!!! lol

thats all for today ciaoz


Day just cross by fast....
sometimes just nothing to do.. holidays just wasted at home
hmm mom was at home on friday...
morning and afternoon i was infront of the computer only... ><
about 5.30 go for makan steamboot buffay ><
go sunway buy sliper cuz i spoiled my spoiled mine during camp ahahah
rush home go to church for CCB

now have to copy DVD for the camp photo heh

there are happening more then what i said lol.. just that i cannot remember hahaha


Today i stayed home... i sleep too much edi >< lol
i see movie untill @_@

afternoon weird my dad ask me go study o... very less he ask me study wan but i didnt o cuz i wan holiday ><||| so go my room then fall a sleep lol papers on my bed so that say at lest i got read a bit bit bit xD

woke up at 8.. go bath then i go complain to my mom about my dad cooking... which is out of hand it is horrible no one wants to eat it.. i cannot tahan... thought wanna go out eat but then haizz she don let... i was complaining about lunch and dinner... seriously canot tahan... i know that we must thank God for the food but the thing is dad ad atlest no need good it so bad right?? untill i also cannot eat wey ><

i'm playing Sims 3 wahahahaha dunno why i play... maybe cuz too boring edi xD play for fun la lol but sometimes a bit ham sup wa the game... go bed can 'try for a baby' i was like ><||| LOL

haha who wanna the sim3 can get for me but then 6GB lol crazy


Joker... come back from camp already... so how did I feel
lol who ask you never come now you dunno how i feel already.. ahhaha xD

ok laa Camp was great... but there are sad sad also la of cuz.. i won't tell you the sad wan i only tell happy wan... hehehe
first day was the quiz already.. it was at night... by the way this is my first time attending DMSJ for full lol.. so it was new new for me.. I see the quiz also one thing also dunno @_@

Then.... chen chen chen.. God ask me to read the bibile more throught all the talk i attended.. one of then workshop i attended was 'are you greater the the 5 grader' they show quiz and we try to answer... a lot i dunno... a lot alot i at there.. HAIZZZ so i felt the challange to read more... >< i don like to read alot of books lol so that effected me a lot

I am baptize edi wey... a ot of people watch >< pai se pai se i also didnt get o hear my baptism verse lol... kesian i'll only will know it this coming sunday...

Another chen chen chen.... i had a seprise birthday celebration during the camp fun nite... i was like shock... kau kau... lol.. next time only i upload picture then i explain how laa har.. xD one more person also pei me for the celebration which is pin cheng i think.. i forget to to spell him name... i now dizzy edi lol...

conclusion...I was fun great.. till here laa tata ^^


I think I only attended teacher's day was this year hahaha willingly atleast lol
The day started well.. untill the band going to perform... something went wrong with the bass haizz kesian Aaron... felt so bad...

before they perform.. the pengetua asked them to also perform on petang
So... petang time.. i felt bad about not borrowing the things i had.. then i decided to lent them some stuf... mana tau.. one teacher said that we are the third back up for the whole day.. then we were like =.=.. Mervyn was also there he stayed at chander's house... so abit disappointed
so everyone decided to balik... I was like.. WHATTTT haizzz (in my mind of cuz)

so... today's the day and the day after tomorrow is my baptism day... i already decided to go for this baptism for awhile and i'm finaly going... as well as Kelvin Yee, Choi Yue and Joshua... prise God..
Well family member if you read this then.. you know edi... if your scold or neg or anything i'm sorry.. I have decided and I choose to put God first in my life...

well i haven't pack yet.. hahaha
cuz idon feel like going>??
No laa just joking... I just came back home ^^

Thank You Lord for everything you done everything you are doing and things that are going to happen.. no matter what I will praise you if i lose something i'll praise You I won something i'll praise You.. Cuz everything happen is You that made it happen..


@_@.. Tired leh... ><
Today finish exams lu... YES laaa xD
After school i go down to KL to low yat to find my sister and repair my 2nd sister's comp #_# Well i reached there about 3pm then wait for my sister so i go Old Town muahahah

while waiting...
hahaha i order another drink

Then a call came...>< my sister only leaving at 4pm from her office...zzz so i walk walk walk walk
untill 5Pm... thats like 2 hours... then sister came @_@
We went to the Shop then blah blah blah leave the PC there wait for 1 or 2 hours he said..
then chat with my sister lol while drinking.. again ahahah

to cut it short... cuz i'm tired giler..

we get back the comp.. they changed the motherboard cuz spoil...
then we wait for my mom come tolow yat from work...>< wait again
then i came home straight go tuition
then i remember i didnt really eat meals my hand also tired and shaky..
then come back home eat mee.. MOM COOK!!! THX!!!
then toilet..>< then CYD prayer then blog then going to sleep ahahha

tired.. the last part i type fast.. haha tired tired tired... bye bye bye bye bye



today's a good and bad day...
i make her happy edi then i made her sad then angry ><><><

Faster ahhh two more days to camp...!!!
cannot wait liao leh....
have to take my sis's comp back to law yat tmr... zzz

my day so good gone bad sad...
today's exam ahhh wanna die...
hopefully can pass laa ><
today moral didnth hafal nilai... walao. die lor



Oh man... editting blog makes me wanna vomit...
hopefully no sick ><


Today i log in my blog is been so so long hahah
then i read my older post..
i wandering... is that me typing last time? hahhaha
is just doesn't sound like me? lol

let me talk about today
well today physic exam...But i didn't study... so... wait for result la xD
hmm... at school normal la chander with his jokes during exam lol
sometimes just sound nice.... bullying teachers.. haha

thats all for today la hehe