@_@.. Tired leh... ><
Today finish exams lu... YES laaa xD
After school i go down to KL to low yat to find my sister and repair my 2nd sister's comp #_# Well i reached there about 3pm then wait for my sister so i go Old Town muahahah
while waiting... hahaha i order another drink
Then a call came...>< my sister only leaving at 4pm from her office...zzz so i walk walk walk walk
untill 5Pm... thats like 2 hours... then sister came @_@
We went to the Shop then blah blah blah leave the PC there wait for 1 or 2 hours he said..
then chat with my sister lol while drinking.. again ahahah
to cut it short... cuz i'm tired giler..
we get back the comp.. they changed the motherboard cuz spoil...
then we wait for my mom come tolow yat from work...>< wait again
then i came home straight go tuition
then i remember i didnt really eat meals today...so my hand also tired and shaky..
then come back home eat mee.. MOM COOK!!! THX!!!
then toilet..>< then CYD prayer then blog then going to sleep ahahha
tired.. the last part i type fast.. haha tired tired tired... bye bye bye bye bye
it's over
something to say?
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