
Yo... is been a while...
life been down and down...
sometimes just dunno what to do next...
i argue with my mom about studies i guess..
i didn't really wanna choi her cuz she keep saying the same thing.. which is very annoying to me...
really just make me think and think how annoying it is every time...
i'm trying to study but seem that my time and place just not right.. just dunno where to study or just that i need to really make the point to study ><

i also got pray the jabez prayer... seem that things sometimes is already there but.. i did not use it... it is a waste of me...

yesterday,sunday.. i dunno why i did not wanna go futsal..
just don feel like going lor... maybe because
i don wanna see people fight?
i think that my futsal sux
i don wanna people to scold me cuz i mess up
i don really like futsal anymore?
i go futsal equals to making people sad?
people might don wan me there?
i do really really care if someone doesnt really wan me at a place cuz it just bring hate..

this coming week i have to go lor.. cuz someone ask me to go..
i been thinking also laa why some wants me to go?
i'm blur... i just dunno leh haizz i'm weird...

andrew wants to talk to me about something.. which i dunno what? he ask me tonight free or not but having tuition... sorry andrew.. i'm guessing he'll talk about relationship? or thats what i'm expacting la lol... but hopefully not..cuz is complicated.. just feel really really down.... brain damge edi laa...

I been skipping meals a lot..reason i can give is like always
don wanna eat.. or don like to eat
i drink enough can edi
don feel like eating..
the food is like @@
erm.... i dunno?

it seem that i got a lot of dunno.... i been havig a lot a lot of blind spot.. God help me..
even my emotion can change quite fast.. sometimes is i saw a person that don like me or scary person.. disapointed person..
a lot or people been telling me... DON CARE THEM LAAA...
it hurts me a lot.. in some things.. again.. i dunno la.. ><
things just need to be care in me.. sorry la some of you just don like they way i am ><

maybe thats the reason i don like to act first? sad



cool card.. but need to give it back soon haizzz

my result... very zha dao

So... I was shock when the result i saw lol... i like @_@
the counter feller is like very garam wan face bu sung only... ><
so then i have to call my teacher.. he ask pass or not i say pass the i ask how much then i say 42.. which also the passing mark.. lol then he keep asking me sure or not sure or not keep asking me to check see i see wrong or not lol.. as you can see the two are just up and down lol^^

so next sat only i can go the 6 hours thing... sob not this sat but next sat cuz... haizz sunday saturday wednessday and thrusday... weekdays cannot edi... so sat and sunday then sunday out edi... thennnnnnnnnnnn only sat SOB... this saturday more important so next sat only go laa hiazzz late for one week for taking my L.. >< But i thank God for everything ^^ THANK YOU!!! xD


this is when i watch movie alone in 1U hehe


As a guy to a girlfriend is a big job.. ><
You must make her happy
You must have much visible contact as possible
You must tell her that you love her
You must show her that you mean that love
You must show her sacrifices for her
You sometimes must just as her says
You must meet her at lest two times a week
You must try to satisfies her desire
You must go out with her when you are not doing anything
You must teman her go shopping
You must buy stuff for her to remember you when your not around
You must pay for her meal when you go out unless you seriously cannot pay
You must remember her daily activities
You must be sensitive to her
You must try not to make her cry
You must alert when she is sad
You must try to make her happy when she's sad
You must call her some of the nights
You must give her candy sometimes
You must not tease her
You must not go to physical on her too much
You must control yourself for her

haizz atlast also can think of this shot... sob


mom knows i baptized... i was like ZHHAAA DAOOOO lol
she didnt scold laaa just like a bit bu sung...
i asked her who she knew but she don wanna answer me haizzz
hmm.. today i went to driving school to take the 5 hour undang thingy lol it was ok for me laa others like sleepy then on really care about it... kesian the teacher
the teacher looked angry but then she smile.. I also blur blur what is her emotion lol
i missed tuition and teens alot.... teens talk about no sex be4 marriage.. haizz i go there about 4 and i see then say to myself sure miss alot sob sob
but what i attanted was ok lor.. so all the be4 wan haizz missed sobbbb



^^ Today i went to 1 U hahah xD sit bus alone there
some of the girls are there for jalan jalan.. they didnt know i was coming hehehe so i saw them but try to avoid them la... cuz i know one will bu sung me if i join hahaha not that bad wan la..
but then atlast when i wann go watch movie i ter bump into them... then i aiya... not fun liao xD ahha i stocker.. xD

i also brought a book with is hm... idon wan tell you all la lol... althought i think hui min ter saw >< SOB!!!
so i watch movie wahahahhaha alone plus back to back movie... my first time doing that xD
i watched night at the museum 2 and then 17th again
first movie for me quite boring laa i also dunno why lol maybe a bit lame
I also think that terminator salvation also not that good lor i also dunno why all say nice nice nice lol
17th again was ok ok to me la hehehe

hmm.. o ya I ate at walfer world today food was ok but money fly sob...should had gone to old town where i can drink full full sob
attually wan go subway wan since they there then haizz ok lor don wan kacau them

talk about food i very very hunger for DRINKING!!! lol

thats all for today ciaoz


Day just cross by fast....
sometimes just nothing to do.. holidays just wasted at home
hmm mom was at home on friday...
morning and afternoon i was infront of the computer only... ><
about 5.30 go for makan steamboot buffay ><
go sunway buy sliper cuz i spoiled my spoiled mine during camp ahahah
rush home go to church for CCB

now have to copy DVD for the camp photo heh

there are happening more then what i said lol.. just that i cannot remember hahaha


Today i stayed home... i sleep too much edi >< lol
i see movie untill @_@

afternoon weird my dad ask me go study o... very less he ask me study wan but i didnt o cuz i wan holiday ><||| so go my room then fall a sleep lol papers on my bed so that say at lest i got read a bit bit bit xD

woke up at 8.. go bath then i go complain to my mom about my dad cooking... which is out of hand it is horrible no one wants to eat it.. i cannot tahan... thought wanna go out eat but then haizz she don let... i was complaining about lunch and dinner... seriously canot tahan... i know that we must thank God for the food but the thing is dad ad atlest no need good it so bad right?? untill i also cannot eat wey ><

i'm playing Sims 3 wahahahaha dunno why i play... maybe cuz too boring edi xD play for fun la lol but sometimes a bit ham sup wa the game... go bed can 'try for a baby' i was like ><||| LOL

haha who wanna the sim3 can get for me but then 6GB lol crazy


Joker... come back from camp already... so how did I feel
lol who ask you never come now you dunno how i feel already.. ahhaha xD

ok laa Camp was great... but there are sad sad also la of cuz.. i won't tell you the sad wan i only tell happy wan... hehehe
first day was the quiz already.. it was at night... by the way this is my first time attending DMSJ for full lol.. so it was new new for me.. I see the quiz also one thing also dunno @_@

Then.... chen chen chen.. God ask me to read the bibile more throught all the talk i attended.. one of then workshop i attended was 'are you greater the the 5 grader' they show quiz and we try to answer... a lot i dunno... a lot alot i at there.. HAIZZZ so i felt the challange to read more... >< i don like to read alot of books lol so that effected me a lot

I am baptize edi wey... a ot of people watch >< pai se pai se i also didnt get o hear my baptism verse lol... kesian i'll only will know it this coming sunday...

Another chen chen chen.... i had a seprise birthday celebration during the camp fun nite... i was like shock... kau kau... lol.. next time only i upload picture then i explain how laa har.. xD one more person also pei me for the celebration which is pin cheng i think.. i forget to to spell him name... i now dizzy edi lol...

conclusion...I was fun great.. till here laa tata ^^