
Time to time everyone look back

to see 'How was I back then'
any changes? any regrets?
ya.... everyone does go true this i guess..
but what have to learn from reflecting on this things?
do you feel proud if you reflacted on something cool or something like you were the star back then?
lol... maybe?

For me i will try my best to treasure the times where is was.. not to say good but price-less times like the time were friends beginning to trust you.. maybe the bigest arguement and learned something? hmm... the time where you were in a very different place with new people..
the person that spended quality time with..

well maybe i'm talking about a person or maybe not...
but then why am i feeling down when things just sounds so blur..

where are the people that are caring? loyal? commited? friendly? themself? open?
and the same person with others?(meaning not treating other people differently)

sometimes just wanders..
emo sad sad sad no friends no life
happy happy if over-happy pride...
open, less scrects happy?? or easier to trick?

humans.. hard to pls.. hard to handel another person
and need self-control....


Casting Crown’s song “Slow Fade” talks about how mistakes, regrets, wrongs, sins don’t occur all at once or in a single day. It is gradual. It is based on small decisions we make day to day. We find ourselves often having done something or at some place we didn’t expect to be, not because we woke up one morning choosing to do something, but rather little by little our daily choices and decisions led us there.

Be careful little eyes what you see
It’s the second glance that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings
Be careful little feet where you go
For it’s the little feet behind you that are sure to follow

It’s a slow fade when you give yourself away
It’s a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
It’s a slow fade, it’s a slow fade

Be careful little ears what you hear
When flattery leads to compromise, the end is always near
Be careful little lips what you say
For empty words and promises lead broken hearts astray

It’s a slow fade when you give yourself away
It’s a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day

The journey from your mind to your hands
Is shorter than you’re thinking
Be careful if you think you stand
You just might be sinking

It’s a slow fade when you give yourself away
It’s a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
Daddies never crumble in a day
Families never crumble in a day

Oh be careful little eyes what see
Oh be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above is looking down in love
Oh be careful little eyes what you see


YeaH!!!! i get the book finaly....

terima kasih kim xD
but then i waited so long untill i myself forget == whatttttttttttttttttt la



Finally futsal-ed lol after sometime i guess ^^

i feel like changing my lifestyle...
hmm i wander what trigered the wanting to change

is just weird...

i just feel that last time i keep my life to myself and mix around, now just like wanna go shout.. wanna find more things that i can wanna learn more things?

could it be the Lord's prayer that i prayed?
the prayer about extand your territory izzit?

it must be i guess... prayer had help me alot..
even worries and fear been much easier to face^^

in extand territory i prayed for knowlage.. more things that i can do
and it sort of gave me the platform to begin
this what i think for now laa.. cuz by changing my lifestyle i might just be more expose to alot of things ^^

well i canot promiss anyone that this is correct cuz i dunno in the future what God have plan for me.. it might be something else which i dunno yet.. will see how laa

so like that laa i duno my future is how but God knows ^^


it is weired when i know is not correct yet i still like acting it out.. or i still ask

i act as if is 180 degree of it @_@ lol
i siao siao wan
but then i still know
but why still?????????
happened few time
why i still do the wrong thing?
why i still look into it?
why i ask stuff which i edi know or ask stuff should not be ask?


Haze for few days right? sad....

like wanna die edi.. getting less oxygen haizzz i can feel it in my lungs... it hurtzz

Sad to see some of my friends fighting over friendship of something ><
thought i dunno what is the core reason.. i still thinking is it something silly? it is something serious?
does the fight can change the person?
will both of them learn from their fight?
how long will the fight is on?
will i ever see them togethere back and away from their unhappy, uncomfortable life...>
what to do what to do lol i can just wait for the result ^^ and hopefully and prayfully is settled
and is a fruitfull arguement to both or one

i been worrying my studys><>
haizzz why....
bad habit BE GONE!!!! lol

hmm why do i ke po so much><>
sometimes i ask alot then i say' sorry ahh i very ke po' then they reply no laa no busy body also or they say they don mind @_@
ok~~~ what is the negative what is the positive? ><><


hahah she moved then i wanna take this picture... so bad...
haha my hair is like super long... christina is shouting at me asking me to cut... xD boring laa having the same cut and cut again ><

i sure wish there is few other type of hair that is cool xD
i wish that she wont be so emo ><

i feel like helping others.. but sometimes just dunno how to...
i done two quiz that saying that my gift is helping
hmm just feel weird did i help myself?
or i'm just helping others? ><
or worse distroying others? crushing others? hurting them? bringing them down?
one of my fear is losing people in friendship
i ask myself izzit worth to kick them in my friendship (during hate and anger)
but again.. they are just there... so live with it ^^

what if we got into fights arguement disagreement?
all i can do it solve it or ask another elder person which is more wise..
if it's an arguement that is small, just forget it..
if it is serious don make it bigger and seek for wise people... or think it for a day
100% is both also got wrong... everyone got blind spots.. each one of us have diff view of things
dunno who is correct then look into it togethere if argue then don speak about it lor
or really wanna solve it? then seek elder lor or a leader of a cell group
and you will learn a lot...

areguements come and go depends on are you going to learn something? are you serious of your relationship between you and the person you arguing@_@

hmm been thinking... will anyone do that i type just now? i don think so lor... lol
well but there are some will do la but some just haiz~~ argue argue disagree untill nowhere
untill they come a point they finish argue and say sorry and sorry then say my wrong my wrong
just though of that what happen that if there is a thirt party in the auguement suddenly jump in wan
i think if the person is a wise person and choose non of the side and picking all the negetive and positive out of their arguement and start tell them @_@ somehow lol

but again some just think that they can do it by themself... ><
but somethings are P and C la the of cuz cannot + people in
but yet again i wander what is so so P&C that cannot share to a friend even very close friends?
the regrats? the shame? the scared? the sadness? the selfish?
whateva is it

I trust that it is a positive wan or is a think that can bring negetive to yourself and other people


hmmm~~~argued now ok edi yeahhhh
argue cuz... erm.... dunno what's the core problem la don care liao xD
Tomorrow Daya people are coming... hmmm hope i can join them if they go for makan or what lol
today i'm bit blank la dunno what to say

I didnt go school today cuz... haizzz can say no reason la... stupidity of me
wake up then feel tired(as always) then i also feeling abit sick ( i guess the emotional sick become physical sick like that la haizz samore i didnt drink enough water wan.. bad habits of me.. haizz)

when o see her then like diying edi... lol felt like droping but not fainting...
weird that is my hands cold normally will be like hotter
hands also bit shaky.. dunno why leh... maybe really sick or what lol
but i think just cuz my mind playing tricks on me >< is becoming a habit wey... bad bad bad

tomorrow another meeting with andrew and is project thing lol...
might just help to set up the church for Daya to sleep ^^

oh ya i having history tuition and e-suria @_@ the teacher is bit crazy but teach good lol



bad things started on Thursday ...hmm ya.. well i didnt go school on that day.. 9am+++ i heard..
@#$%^&*()(*&^%$!@#%^&*((*# BOOM bang bing.. PING BONG
i woke up and ran up stairs.. like half awake @@
my sister also ran up be4 me.. then i heard my dad call me.. since the lader was still there i thought my dad was still up to attic so i climb up half way then my sister's room door open.. i was like @_@
my dad fell from the attic through the ceiling to my sister's room =.=
it was quite scary for me.. like wanna cry edi ><>< but didnt cry laaa hehe just felt like crying only

so my dad's leg was like hurting.. then i ask him to move his toes and he did.. so i was a bit relive cuz if he could not move his toes means it really broken... so he staned up and go wash up.. mostly hopping la... he had a serious scratch on his left back which is quite long also.. ><

he my sister broght him to the klang clinic after he took a bath..
he gotten an X ray.. found out that his ankle was broken >< ><>< my mom came home edi that time cuz i call her and told her what happen

Thank God again my sister found someone that can help her change the tyre.. phew.. so my sister drive my dad home..she cancle her class for that... well his well at home... also scary when he walked around but then it was find since he can walk around go toilet kind of thing... so i was also relax abit he even go up stairs lol... no problem lor...

so ya this what happen la ruf-ly
me and my sister repair the ceiling that everning ><><
it took us two hours i think lol... tired giler and blur blur kau...
