
kesian my blog so long didnt update.. soli ahhh~~

hmm~~~ one week of holiday...
ends today...
good and bad lor...
good is no need to find what to do in the morning hahaha
bad is... not must freedom i guess.. and need kick to study lor...

hmm~~ Monday i go out hang kai hunging around with damai people... lol they all always laugh laugh wan... atlest not so much of lame stuff laa lol
then tuesday i went pyramid with christina lor.. walk walk walk eat then walk walk walk then see her buy stuff xD ahha
wednesday.... what i did ah? izzit the monday wan is wednesday?? HAHAHHA i also forget jor.. ya i think the monday stuff if wendnes day xD lol lazy to type again la.. nvm la since you read edi.. then faham faham la..~~hmm then monday what I did? xD at home wait untill tuition gua...

thrusday. also lepak with the damai students be4 that with eng wan.. hehe
friday... CG outing... .. fun... big sister follow also... almost cannot go because sister don let due to rain way... >,<>

sat IbA unplugged... fuh... her them play kau... I was tired lor... 10am at church d then didnt go tuition cuz tired... ><>
Daya also came... so at night we go pyramid... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee k la not so weeeee la...
cuz haiz... sad case...he.. also go... thats not the problem... k laa tell you what happen... he ask people in the van 'who got phone play some song... something like that... then someone said my name.. then he said.. ' no need his song all not nice to hear wan'.. then i was like ==, == ... ==|||
still dunno what the problem between us thou.. i ok ok laa just sometimes he say poison things

Sunday... hmm morning normal lor... but Daya join us... so got difference lol...
then CG.. CG no go group.. become general sesion... daya joined...
then everning futsal... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. wander why he X datang.. anything lor...
Gary joined that day... hmm dunno what's the main motivation wey lol...
hoho then night time... after we makan.... WEEEEEEE
pool with people that go for dinner + ken heng... dinner time suddenly babang come @@ nth to say
play untill sung leh... 12am+ only balik... though wanna go minum... but then nicholas need balik d... so all balik... anyway Gary also no money and i left few bucks ahahha

so like that lor my holiday... ^^ today just go 1U and pyramid.. walk around... wanna buy slipper but then haizz dunno what to buy ah.. lol




19 agus...
boring sia... lol
for about a week being single? ya....
so... i got more freedom.. more time xD lol i guess so..
keep playing dota lol even thought exam weeks ahhaha

few reasons why single...
1) SPM
2) Sprititual life
3) I trust the Lord
4) If it's God's will we be togethere again
5) Let her change her life first.. and of cuz mine also...
6) focus on what needs to be focus..
7) Get her priority right...
8) erm... get stright with God first ^^

this are some of the reason laa lol
hmm isaac and sarah sounds shock... lol
this is not a break up laaa is end the relationship..
we might get back togethere maybe not lorrr... will decide laa
but don get your hope high k? ^^


Hello hello....

life is not so good wey... been down lately...
hmmm.. i also dunno what really buging me... haizzz
went to futsal yesterday and try to just relax or clear my mind.. but then leh... haizzz
just comfirm that Mel still hate me... don like me and agains me or whateva laa
and i still dunno why...
but nvm.. i also dunno what else i can do...

tried to ignor it... and i just remember... i don ignor stuff like that ><...
then futsal yesterday just play only la...
my keeper skills also getting lousy... if i play in the field i looks like cannot only ><
keeper that time Mel got blocking me to see... cuz i like so small size ><><
but just don wanna find any problem and get things worse.. so just played ><

yesterday had a talk with sin meng hehe long time never chat d.. good times....
tak join dinner cuz today got exam wan... then i'm acttually quite scare of Mel... ><>
so reach home... go out makan then come back then wanna study also no mood lol...

a lah don thing i no mood cuz Mel laaa... that just small part of it...
and i don mean harm to him or anyone laa
sometimes just really bugging me lo since i dunno why.. i also no hate him or anything..? ><

haizz as a lot ppl say...... wait.... or see how la... or don care... well don care is not an option...
if anything also right... SORRY SORRY la har...^^



trials are coming....
been thinking... exam exam exam study study study...
but atlast didnt study sob ==
no motivation to study?
bu ze dao laaa

why i always hungry wan when i duno what to do ><
lol... i don wan eat so much leh later fat then haizzz bu sung><
now also eating ice cream ahhaha

hmm..I wanna watch Harry Potter!!
haven watch... dunno when only i can watch ><
cham... xD

nothing better to do laa me.. should study but then aiyo... dunno laa canot study at home wan...
thats why got tuition LOL

my head hot... temperature not right wan my body... weird weird
k la thats all laa xD