
I think I only attended teacher's day was this year hahaha willingly atleast lol
The day started well.. untill the band going to perform... something went wrong with the bass haizz kesian Aaron... felt so bad...

before they perform.. the pengetua asked them to also perform on petang
So... petang time.. i felt bad about not borrowing the things i had.. then i decided to lent them some stuf... mana tau.. one teacher said that we are the third back up for the whole day.. then we were like =.=.. Mervyn was also there he stayed at chander's house... so abit disappointed
so everyone decided to balik... I was like.. WHATTTT haizzz (in my mind of cuz)

so... today's the day and the day after tomorrow is my baptism day... i already decided to go for this baptism for awhile and i'm finaly going... as well as Kelvin Yee, Choi Yue and Joshua... prise God..
Well family member if you read this then.. you know edi... if your scold or neg or anything i'm sorry.. I have decided and I choose to put God first in my life...

well i haven't pack yet.. hahaha
cuz idon feel like going>??
No laa just joking... I just came back home ^^

Thank You Lord for everything you done everything you are doing and things that are going to happen.. no matter what I will praise you if i lose something i'll praise You I won something i'll praise You.. Cuz everything happen is You that made it happen..


@_@.. Tired leh... ><
Today finish exams lu... YES laaa xD
After school i go down to KL to low yat to find my sister and repair my 2nd sister's comp #_# Well i reached there about 3pm then wait for my sister so i go Old Town muahahah

while waiting...
hahaha i order another drink

Then a call came...>< my sister only leaving at 4pm from her office...zzz so i walk walk walk walk
untill 5Pm... thats like 2 hours... then sister came @_@
We went to the Shop then blah blah blah leave the PC there wait for 1 or 2 hours he said..
then chat with my sister lol while drinking.. again ahahah

to cut it short... cuz i'm tired giler..

we get back the comp.. they changed the motherboard cuz spoil...
then we wait for my mom come tolow yat from work...>< wait again
then i came home straight go tuition
then i remember i didnt really eat meals my hand also tired and shaky..
then come back home eat mee.. MOM COOK!!! THX!!!
then toilet..>< then CYD prayer then blog then going to sleep ahahha

tired.. the last part i type fast.. haha tired tired tired... bye bye bye bye bye



today's a good and bad day...
i make her happy edi then i made her sad then angry ><><><

Faster ahhh two more days to camp...!!!
cannot wait liao leh....
have to take my sis's comp back to law yat tmr... zzz

my day so good gone bad sad...
today's exam ahhh wanna die...
hopefully can pass laa ><
today moral didnth hafal nilai... walao. die lor



Oh man... editting blog makes me wanna vomit...
hopefully no sick ><


Today i log in my blog is been so so long hahah
then i read my older post..
i wandering... is that me typing last time? hahhaha
is just doesn't sound like me? lol

let me talk about today
well today physic exam...But i didn't study... so... wait for result la xD
hmm... at school normal la chander with his jokes during exam lol
sometimes just sound nice.... bullying teachers.. haha

thats all for today la hehe