
I am the first Christian in my family. My family members are Buddhism. Before I became a Christian, I followed what my parents do in Buddhism, praying with joss sticks, sitting beside my dad when his chanting and burning some prayer papers for the ancestors. I do not know what I am doing every time. This had gave me emptiness in my heart, as I look back I consider myself not even in a Buddhism and yet I do not believe in anything.

My character and personality was not that good. I was very selfish, and only cared about myself, thus I only do things that please me. I stolen a lot of money for my own entertainment, I became money minded and spending unwisely. I only wanted to live for myself; I did not care about the person that I steal from. This stealing did not stop just there, it go on for long and I have to lie about where and how I get the money, I claimed to have saved it or found it on the road.

I was an impatience person, very easy to anger kind of person. People who does things that is unpleasing to me, I might just scold them. Anyone who disturbs me, I will shout at them and think all the negative things about that person. I mixed with the wrong people at that time, every conversations that we had was full with foul words and sexual contents. Furthermore, I only have friends during school; I rarely mix around before school, after school and during weekends. I was lonely and anti social so to say. I also thought that I’m always doing things on my own and I do not need people’s help.

My first contact with Christians was when I was form 1. I was invited to join badminton training weekly, it was very cheap. Later on, they invited me to a music fest to hear some good music. At there I heard the sinners prayers for the first time, but I was blur and do not really understand. I made some friends with the member of the church and had fun. Days and months past I joined their activities and group meetings and it sometimes it feels really real and true to me, and I was touch by some of the messages that they spoke. As knowing who was Christ was, my friend who invited me to join the badminton training called me for a meal and he shared his testimony of him accepting Christ. I will always remember one part of the sentence he said which was “If I did not accepted Christ back then, I do not know how bad my life will end up”. I was also amazed that how god had changed him and how powerful He is.

In 2006, my 2nd year in secondary school, during the mid holidays, I was invited to a church family camp which is Camp Pedas, 27 May - 30 May. The most memorial thing that I remember was a video played on one night, about this person living a life without limbs and was badly rejected by his parents. He found God and lived on. It really filled my heart a lot, and again I was amazed what God can do and had done for him. The last day of the camp the speaker challenged everyone to accept Christ; I raised my hand and prayed the sinner’s prayer. I accepted the Lord because of the friends around me have somehow show me God and God is there for me. Amazed what God can do to help me in life.

I begin to join church more frequently, even though my dad was not very pleasing, but still I go to church. As I learned more about God and Jesus, my life changed in many ways. It wasn’t easy but I managed to do so with the help of God. I no longer steal money, I do not lie to anyone, I mixed more with the right people, I was willing to change for myself and for God. Little by little God changed me day by day. I felt guilty for what I did before I became a Christian. Foul words were also begin to fade until now it is no more.

I learned to trust people more and most important I trust God. My heart opened to accept new things and to correct the wrong to right. I do not do things that it is only for me but for God. I develop the attitude of sharing as well and not to be selfish. I became a person that is willing to help and encourage people that are needed help. I also acknowledged that I will never be alone because God is in me forever. I offered my life to God and trust him for my life, and let him decide where I am supposed to go. Letting God mole me into whatever he wants me to be.

It is to say that my life changed since I made the decision to join the badminton training but most important I made the right decision to accept Christ as my savior. Correct, he is the one that who have saved us all from miserable life. However, I’m still human, which means not perfect, there is still a lot of room for me to change, and by my effort, the right time and the power of God, I can change.

TARIMA KASIH! actually not that long also hor... ^^

who need guide lines to write your own wan pls feel free to ask me xD


Now a days i dunno who to trust... ><

been sad been down...
who do i trust now??
i mean humans...
how can i?
be trusting everyone?
need to get a point to trust...
sometimes says.. i'm joking sometimes say joking only jk only...
i does hurt... sometimes maybe..

emo KID!